These excerpts are taken from our interview of Scott Avelino, who we asked about providing compliance advice from a Big Four firm.
The range of things that we’ve been involved with have been all over the map, anywhere from helping companies develop a simple code of conduct through to helping a company audit their compliance with that code of conduct worldwide and report the results publicly, and all things in between.
…in the wake of Sarbanes-Oxley, there is an increased obligation on behalf of the external auditor to, as part of its audit of internal control (which is a mandate under Sarbanes-Oxley 404) evaluate the effectiveness of traditional compliance program elements. In the audit world, these are often referred to as anti-fraud programs and controls, but they’re generally the same control elements: codes of conduct, hotlines, training, enforcement mechanisms and the like.
Scott Avelino's interview is included in Working for Integrity: Finding the Perfect Job in the Rapidly Growing Compliance and Ethics Field.
(All interviewees spoke to us about their own personal experiences and opinions; interviewees were not acting as a spokesperson or otherwise representing their current or former employers.)