From time to time on this blog, we will post news from SCCE about various conferences, web offerings, and publications. Most news will come directly from the basic emails SCCE sends to people on their mailing list. The inclusion of the news on this blog is not done at the behest of SCCE (our publisher), but rather by our own initiative. We recognize the benefits you can derive from these offerings, and on a more selfish note, information on ordering our book can usually be found at these conferences. You will also often find Joe speaking at SCCE events (just as at events for other ethics and compliance organizations), where he will be glad to discuss the topic of working in the field and how to take a more proactive approach to your own compliance career.
News will be clearly marked and quoted lines will be distinctive.
Recently we added this banner to promote SCCE's 2006 Compliance Institute.
The banner will remain at the top of this blog until the conference has wrapped next month, at which time a regular banner link to SCCE will likely replace it.
Other recent SCCE news will follow shortly.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
SCCE News of Use
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
2:55 PM
Labels: News: SCCE