Things are quiet here again during the holidays, but next week we will be announcing some big news about the Working for Integrity project, so be sure to check back.
Also expect those additional links as promised and some more tidbits from the book and field. We are also discussing beginning some interviews just for the blog with various people in the field. Those interviews would be like the ones in the book, but shorter and more focused. We will post more on this in the future.
Those of you who frequent the news sections of sites like SCCE and ECOA may have already seen this story, but for the rest, take note that China is serious about punishing fraud.
That's all for now, so Happy New Year, and remember, don't drink and email.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Plans for the new year
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
9:01 PM
Labels: About this Blog, Links, News: CE, News: WFI
Monday, December 18, 2006
Article Alert: SCCE's CCEP in ethikos
Hot on the heels of the "Voices of Experience" article in ethikos, you will find another article in that publication from us.
The article, written by Joshua Leet, presents information about SCCE's new Corporate Compliance and Ethics Professional (CCEP) certification program. The article doesn't mention Working for Integrity, but it does address one of our publisher's programs and compare it to some other certifications out there. Also, many of you entering the field may choose to sit for the credential at some point in your career.
We have included a brief excerpt below in which SCCE CEO Roy Snell discusses the difficulty of the exam.
“We are not testing things that you cannot find in any good compliance and ethics training program found anywhere in the country. We are not testing anything that you cannot find in good compliance and ethics manuals and books. We’re testing the profession, and there’s a lot of great training and education that one can find. And frankly, if you have been in the compliance and ethics industry for a few years, reading and going to training and working in a compliance and ethics program, you shouldn’t have a lot of trouble with this exam.”
The CCEP certification is based on the compliance elements as described in the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations, so if the individual taking the test understands the basics of a compliance program, Snell says, “They’ll have a good shot at passing the exam.”
The article will likely appear in the January/February issue of ethikos. The title may yet change, so we will bring you more definite information once the article is out.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
7:16 PM
Labels: News: SCCE, Our Articles
Friday, December 15, 2006
New Links and More to Come
As promised, we have begun to add links to the blog. In the sidebar, you will now find a new section called Compliance and Ethics Links. In this section, we have added a few links to compliance and ethics organizations, publications, and news sources. In the future, we will add other sections, such as compliance and ethics job postings, and compliance and ethics academic programs and certifications. You can also expect another link section for blogs we have found and other miscellaneous links. We will post about those additions when they are up. The original link section will include links for ordering Working for Integrity and for publicity.
For now, each of the new links is listed below, along with a brief explanation.
Needless to say, we do not check these sites daily (especially the blogs), so some may become outdated. If you spot a dead link, please email us (Joe Murphy & Josh Leet).
We also welcome your suggested links and other resources.
We do not necessarily agree with everything posted at these links/blogs.
Use them at your own discretion.
The Links:
Compliance & Ethics
Organizations and Centers
Membership Organizations - These organizations consist of member individuals or organizations and often offer resources such as conferences, training, links, and articles.
Australasian Compliance Institute (ACI) - Formerly the Australian Compliance Institute, ACI serves the Australia-Asia region as a general compliance membership organization. Site requires free registration.
Ethics & Compliance Officer Association (ECOA) - Formerly the Ethics Officer Association, ECOA is a general compliance membership organization for ethics and compliance officers.
Greater Houston Business Ethics Roundtable (GHBER) - A local ethics group in the Houston area. Working for Integrity Interviewee Linda Lipps had a hand in its creation.
Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) - A compliance membership organization in the health care industry. Sister organization to our publisher SCCE.
International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) - A membership organization for privacy professionals.
International Ombudsman Association (IOA) - Formed by the joining of The Ombuds Association (TOA) and the University and College Ombudsman Association (UCOA).
National Society of Compliance Professionals (NSCP) - Serving compliance professionals in the securities industry.
Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) - A general compliance membership organization. Our publisher.
Bentley Center for Business Ethics - One of the best-known ethics centers.
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics - A large ethics center that includes a business ethics focus.
Compliance & Ethics Publications
Business Ethics - "The Magazine for Corporate Responsibility"
Compliance & Ethics Magazine (SCCE) - For members of SCCE.
ethikos - Formed by joining of Corporate Conduct Quarterly and ethikos.
Ethisphere - For Directors, CEOs and General Counsels.
Compliance Week - Covers corporate government, risk and compliance. Includes a free online component.
Ethics Newsline - Rushworth Kidder's weekly insight into ethics news. Free and online.
Ethics Today Online - A monthly newsletter from Ethics Resource Center. Free subscription.
Other Publications
BNA/ACCA Compliance Manual: Prevention of Corporate Liability - A well-respected monthly publication.
Compliance & Ethics News - Ethics news from a Canadian business ethics site. Free and online.
ECOA: The Week's Ethics and Compliance News - Weekly news from ECOA. Free and online.
EthicsWorld - Governance, biz ethics and anti-corruption news. Free and online.
SCCE: e-Corporate Compliance News - Weekly news from SCCE. Free and online.
See also Newsletters links.
Use your time wisely.
It could be that the Web is a black hole of wasted time for certain professionals…
Finding the Perfect Job in the Rapidly Growing Compliance and Ethics Field.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
3:47 PM
Labels: About this Blog, Links, Links: CE
Friday, December 08, 2006
Blog Plans - Links
Next week, we will be adding a significant number of links to the sidebar. These links will lead you to websites that provide various compliance resources and services.
The update will be accompanied by a post explaining the link sections and highlighting the new links.
In the meantime, if you are bored, live near Houston, and are not yet sick and tired of all things Enron, you may want to catch a show.
"Enron: The Musical" features local actors and dramatizes the events of the Enron Scandal for your amusement. We have not seen it, but if you are an Enron junkie, it is probably worth the $25 ticket price. The musical only opened last weekend, but its only remaining engagements look to be this weekend.
Enron: The Musical
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
3:29 PM
Labels: About this Blog, Links, News: CE
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
SCCE News: 2007 Compliance Academy
2007 Compliance Academy
(From a December 5th email)
Dallas, TX | March 26–29, 2007
Four-day basic intensive training with optional certification exam on the fifth day
Compliance education on USSC compliance guidelines
The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) Compliance Academy is a four-day intensive training program with the optional Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional (CCEP) exam on the fifth day. The Academy will address methods for implementing and managing compliance programs based on the structure as described in the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) compliance guidelines. Courses will address subject matter in depth and better prepare interested parties for the CCEP exam.
The Academy is an invaluable resource for compliance professionals, corporate counsel, outside counsel, and government attorneys who deal with compliance issues. The Academy will also appeal to CEOs who have a basic understanding of compliance concepts and who are considering incorporating compliance programs.
Visit the SCCE website for more information.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
10:20 AM
Labels: News: SCCE
Monday, December 04, 2006
The Canadian Conference Board's New White Paper
Recently, the Conference Board of Canada released a white paper entitled The Evolving Role of the Ethics and Compliance Officer. According to a press release, the paper, in discussing the ethics and compliance function in North America, asserts "Chief ethics and compliance officers should ideally report directly to their company’s chief executive officer and have unfettered access to their company’s board of directors." That certainly got our attention, since you will find similar assertions in Working for Integrity.
More information on the paper (including downloading instructions) can be found here.
You can download the 44-page document for free after registering with CBC.
Friday, December 01, 2006
HR Magazine Notices Compliance Salaries
Today, we heard that the newest issue of HR Magazine contains an article about compliance salaries. The article draws upon a survey for the Ethics & Compliance Officer Association (ECOA). Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) members can view the article online and everyone else can find the article in the December 2006, (Vol. 51, No. 12 ) edition of HR magazine.
You can also find information about the survey in a September 18th press release at CSRwire.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Article Alert: Voices of Experience in ethikos.
Recently, those of you subscribing to ethikos may have noticed an interesting article in the September/October 2006 issue.
"The Voices of Experience: Advice from the Field" (September/October 2006, Vol. 20, No. 2) is an article we put together demonstrating some of the insights contained in the interview chapter of the book.
Below is a small excerpt.
It's about more than money
Although it has not always been so in this line of work, most interviewees now describe favorable compensation--pay and benefits--comparable to other jobs on a similar level. (Since conducting these interviews we have read that one compliance officer, as part of a corporate merger, received severance compensation estimated at over $5,700,000. No vows of poverty in this order!) In general, however, pay is not such a large concern. "There is a sense that, for some people, you're making a difference if you do the job right, that you do stand for something good," said William Prachar, a former compliance officer and now outside counsel...
You can see the rest of the article by ordering a back issue from ethikos.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
9:58 PM
Labels: Our Articles
IAPP and Ponemon Institute - Privacy Salary Survey
Working for Integrity: Finding the Perfect Job in the Rapidly Growing Compliance and Ethics Field contained in the Privacy chapter (and Appendix 15D) several references to a salary survey of Privacy professionals conducted by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and the Ponemon Institute. The book contains references to the 1st joint salary survey in 2003, but the organizations have more recently released a 3rd joint survey, performed in 2005. The full title of the survey is the "2005 Privacy Professional’s Role, Function & Salary Survey".
We were unable to find equivalent information to update all of our statistics, but we did find this interesting bit: the average yearly salary for a Chief Privacy Officer is $157,055.
For more information, visit the website of either organization, as linked above.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
9:10 PM
Labels: Tidbits: CE, Updates: WFI
New to the Blog: Labels/Categories
Among the offerings of the new Blogger in Beta is a label/category system. You will now be able to find posts within certain categories by clicking on the relevant label in the sidebar, or by coming back to this post and following a link below (this post will also be accessible via the link “About Labels” in the label section). As we add new resources and topics to the blog, we will update this post to reflect the new labels.
Many posts will have more than one label attached.
(arranged in alphabetical order)
About this Blog – This label will be attached to posts with information about changes or problems with the blog. To see all posts tagged with “About this Blog” click here.
Conferences – This label will be attached to posts announcing compliance and ethics conferences, specifically those where the book will be available, or where Joe or Josh will be speaking. To see all posts tagged with “Conferences” click here.
First Look – This label will be attached to posts with new materials related to the Working for Integrity project. Materials you can expect to find include images of book covers, excerpts of upcoming publications, etc. To see all posts tagged with “First Look” click here.
Help Us – This label will be attached to posts where we the authors ask you for help. People in this field love to share resources and information and from time to time, we may ask you to send us things for the project. To see all posts tagged with “Help Us” click here.
Job Titles – This label, often used in conjunction with the label Tidbits will be attached to posts including job titles we have found in the compliance and ethics field. We include a list of over 800 titles in Working for Integrity: Finding the Perfect Job in the Rapidly Growing Compliance and Ethics Field. To see all posts tagged with "Job Titles" click here.
Links - This label will be attached to posts where we announce the addition of new links to the link section in the sidebar. In these posts, we will offer a brief explanation of each link. To see all posts tagged with "Links" click here.
Links: Blogs – This label will be attached to posts where we announce the addition of new blogs to our blog link section in the sidebar.
Links: WFI (Working for Integrity) – This label will be attached to posts where we announce new links relevant to the Working for Integrity project. Most links will be included in the sidebar Link section. Such links may include stores where you can buy the book, sites with information about the book, and even online reviews of the book. To see all posts tagged with "Links: WFI" click here.
Links: CE (Compliance and Ethics) – This label will be attached to posts where we announce new links relevant to the compliance and ethics field. These links will also typically appear in the sidebar. Such links may include organizations, publications, job listings, and other sites devoted to the field. To see all posts tagged with "Links: CE" click here.
Marshaling Integrity – This label will be attached to posts including excerpts from interviews we have done for the project. Some excerpts will be from interviews included in the book. To see all posts tagged with "Marshaling Integrity" click here.
News: SCCE (Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics) – This label will be attached to posts including generic (non-Working for Integrity) news from SCCE, typically from their emails. To see all posts tagged with “News: SCCE” click here.
News: WFI – This label will be attached to posts containing news about the Working for Integrity project. To see all posts tagged with "News: WFI" click here.
News: CE – This label will be attached to posts containing general news about compliance and ethics issues, including new legislation affecting the field, scandals, and public notice for compliance efforts. To see all posts tagged with "News: CE" click here.
Our Articles – This label will be attached to posts providing information about articles we the authors have published, specifically those promoting or including parts of the book. To see all posts tagged with “Our Articles” click here.
Our Books – This label will be attached to posts providing information about books we the authors have published, specifically those related to compliance and ethics.
Publicity – This label will be attached to posts including information about publicity efforts, including announcements of published reviews, discussions of the book in forums, etc. To see all posts tagged with "Publicity" click here.
Tidbits: CE (Compliance and Ethics) – This label will be attached to posts including little tidbits of information about the compliance and ethics field. Materials we may post include job titles, position descriptions, and information about other resources we have found. To see all posts tagged with “Tidbits: CE” click here.
Tidbits: WFI (Working for Integrity) – This label will be attached to posts including tidbits (excerpts) directly from our Working for Integrity publications. To see all posts tagged with "Tidbits: WFI" click here.
Updates: WFI (Working for Integrity) – This label will be attached to posts alerting you about updates or changes to the Working for Integrity publications you may own. We are always updating our information, including interviews, and this blog will be the first place you can find such changes. To see all posts tagged with "Updates: WFI" click here.
Above you may find some labels that do not include links and cannot be found on the blog. These labels have been included in anticipation of future use on the blog. Links will be added once those labels are in use.
If you have any questions about the labels on this blog, please email Josh Leet or reply in a comment on this post.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
3:48 PM
Labels: About this Blog
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tidbits: Compliance and Ethics
Working for Integrity is an ongoing project. As part of the project, we gather materials that either are not included in the book, or have been found since its publication. Some of these materials are things like compliance and ethics job titles, position descriptions, and statistics about the field. Though these materials may eventually find their way into articles or updates of the book, we have decided to also post them on this blog for your benefit. The sheer number of titles and the myriad position descriptions can be very revealing about the field.
Job Titles
Within our book Working for Integrity: Finding the Perfect Job in the Rapidly Growing Compliance and Ethics Field, we included a large list of compliance and ethics job titles (over 800 titles). These titles were found on jobsearch sites like Monster and Yahoo, as well as in attendance lists from compliance conferences. Below are 54 job titles not present in Working for Integrity:
Assistant Integrity Officer
Assistant System Privacy Officer
Associate Integrity Officer
Billing Compliance Educator
Coding & Compliance Educator
Compliance & HIPAA Privacy Officer
Compliance & Privacy Coordinator
Compliance Department Auditor
Compliance Education Specialist
Compliance Educator Coordinator
Compliance Integrity/Privacy Officer
Compliance Monitoring Consultant
Compliance Process Reviewer
Compliance Review Specialist
Corporate Compliance & Integrity Program Manager
Corporate Integrity & Privacy Officer
Corporate Integrity Director
Corporate Integrity Program Administrator
Deputy National Compliance Officer
Director Compliance Education
Director National Compliance Audit Team
Director of Appeals & Compliance
Director of Compliance & Policy
Director, Health Care Compliance & Privacy
Director, Integrity Office
Ethics & Compliance Educator
Executive Director, Corporate Integrity
Federal Compliance Officer
HIPAA Training Specialist
Hospital Compliance Manager
Institutional Compliance Officer
Managing Director Corporate Compliance
Medical Center Compliance Officer
Medicare Compliance Officer
Medicare Compliance Specialist
Medicare D Compliance Officer
National Director, Quality & Compliance
Network Compliance & Privacy Officer
Operations Compliance Officer
Organizational Integrity Coordinator
Organizational Integrity Specialist
Privacy Project Leader
Program Administrator of Privacy & Compliance
Regional Coordinator Organizational Integrity
Senior Compliance Investigator/Analyst
Senior Financial Compliance Analyst
Senior Staff Analyst Compliance
Senior VP Compliance & Integrity
Supervising Compliance Specialist
Supervisor, Compliance Section
SVP Audit Ethics & Compliance
VP Corporate Business Integrity
VP, Organizational Integrity
Know of some compliance and ethics job titles not listed here or in the book?
Send them to us via e-mail (Joe Murphy & Josh Leet) or in a comment on this post.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
7:31 PM
Labels: Job Titles, Tidbits: CE
Friday, November 17, 2006
Excuse the Mess
This blog is currently being updated to fit the new Blogger in Beta framework.
Old elements are being adapted, and we will be adding new information and sections.
Expect regular updates at least every Friday.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
10:40 PM
Labels: About this Blog
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
SCCE News - 5th Annual Compliance Institute and More
SCCE’s 5th Annual Compliance Institute is just around the corner, taking place next month in Chicago, September 11-13th.
For more information, visit SCCE’s web site, contact the organization by email or telephone (888) 277-4977.
Early Bird Discount
(From an August 21st email)
Only 5 days left to receive the Early Bird $100 discount on your registration fee.
Top 10 Reasons to Attend:
9. Connect with old friends and meet new ones!
8. Identify new action plans to make ethical informed decisions for your organization
7. Develop an action plan for implementing compliance & ethics program that reflect current trends
6. Communicate with your colleagues on current hot topics…"Backdating"
5. Enhance strategic thinking on how to develop compliance & ethics programs
4. Network with other compliance & ethics professionals, including corporate executives, legal counsel, and regulators
3. Benefit from more than 47 interactive sessions and 71 featured speakers
2. Support SCCE. You are the reason that SCCE has become what it is over the past five years.
1. Discover what a difference three days can make…
For the latest updates on the SCCE’s 5th Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute, check out the conference site Conference in Chicago September 11-13, 2006. If you have any questions regarding registration, location, etc. please contact SCCE Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics at 888.277.4977.
SCCE Authors
(From an August 18th email)
The reception is complimentary, but authors are encouraged to register by e-mail to We want to recognize and thank you for your past and future contributions to SCCE!
Speaker Introductions
(From an August 16th email)
The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics will be holding its 5th Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute on September 11-13, 2006, in Chicago, IL.
We are looking for attendees interested in introducing our breakout speakers. If you would like to be considered, please submit your contact information to Marlene Robinson at or 952-933-4977.
Call for Authors
(From a June 5th email)
Topics to consider:
• Acquisitions, Mergers, RFP, Insurance, incorporating compliance review in processes
• Compliance Training – Senior Management verses non-management
• Security
• Investigations – Attorney Privileges
• Evaluation of software and technology relevant to compliance
• Professional liability, audit, accounting
• Education/Communication/Marketing
• Enterprise risk management- risk based assessments
• Articles addressing "hot" compliance issues in your profession
Articles when the topic allows, should include "how to" tips. Articles generally run between l,250 and 2,500 words. Anyone interested in submitting an article for publication in Compliance & Ethics should send an e-mail that includes the article topic to
Upcoming Deadlines
August 20 — October 2006 Issue
October 20 — December 2006 Issue
Thank you for your time and attention. We look forward to hearing from you and reading your articles.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
6:39 PM
Labels: News: SCCE
SCCE News of Use
From time to time on this blog, we will post news from SCCE about various conferences, web offerings, and publications. Most news will come directly from the basic emails SCCE sends to people on their mailing list. The inclusion of the news on this blog is not done at the behest of SCCE (our publisher), but rather by our own initiative. We recognize the benefits you can derive from these offerings, and on a more selfish note, information on ordering our book can usually be found at these conferences. You will also often find Joe speaking at SCCE events (just as at events for other ethics and compliance organizations), where he will be glad to discuss the topic of working in the field and how to take a more proactive approach to your own compliance career.
News will be clearly marked and quoted lines will be distinctive.
Recently we added this banner to promote SCCE's 2006 Compliance Institute.
The banner will remain at the top of this blog until the conference has wrapped next month, at which time a regular banner link to SCCE will likely replace it.
Other recent SCCE news will follow shortly.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
2:55 PM
Labels: News: SCCE
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Help Us Help the Field
Our goal is to provide the gateway for those interested in entering our field, and to be the first resource for those interested in advancing their careers in this field.
Those interested in a career in ethics and compliance should have a place to turn that is their own. Our book, Working for Integrity, and this blog are that resource. Please join us in this mission. We welcome your insights on what it is like to work in this field. This is a chance to share anything you think someone needs to become a compliance and ethics professional.
Some of the things we would specifically like you to send us include:
(When there is one, please include a web address/URL.)
- Web links – E.g., sites listing jobs in compliance & ethics, sites relating to courses, certification and other resources for the C&E professional.
- Have your own compliance web site or blog relating to our field? Email us about a link exchange!
- Job Titles – Did you look down our list of over 800 compliance and ethics job titles (found in Appendix 4A of our book) and not find your own title? If so, send it to us!
- Job Descriptions – Have an interesting compliance and ethics position? Send us your job description.
- Organizations – Know of an ethics and compliance membership organization we don’t list in our book (groups like SCCE, ECOA, ACI)? Maybe you’ve started a group in your city or industry. (Interviewee Linda Lipps helped found GHBER in Houston, and Bill Prachar headed the DII for a time.)
- Academics – What is offered by academia that would help C&E people? George Washington University and Quinnipiac both offer certificate programs on Health Care Compliance…do you know of any others? Send us info on the schools, the degrees or certifications, the courses and the professors. Even information on regular lecture series will help our readers. And if you know of an ethics center specifically researching compliance and ethics from a practical/applied point of view, send us that too.
- Certification – Know of an organization or company offering compliance certification or training? (including Sarbanes-Oxley) Ethics and compliance organizations like SCCE and ACI (free registration on the ACI website is required to view) have developed certification to help professionalize the field – do you know of any others?
- Job Search – Headhunters, listing sites, career message boards and any other way compliance people find work. Tell us about the firm or resource that helped you find a compliance position.
- Field Statistics – Two of the things we’re always looking to learn about the field are salary figures and employment tallies (number of people in the field). If you know of any surveys or other statistics about the field let us know.
- Did you read the book and not see information you wish had been there? Let us know.
- And we do want all of these resources regardless of where in the world you are located! Australia, Brazil, France, Japan, South Africa...
One of the best features of the C&E field is the open sharing of information among our colleagues. Contact us with your stories and your lessons learned. Tell us about your upcoming compliance book or project. If it relates to the field and how people make a living in it, we want to hear about it!
You can reach us by email (Joe Murphy & Josh Leet) or by commenting on this post.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Now you can own Working for Integrity!
Our book Working for Integrity: Finding the Perfect Job in the Rapidly Growing Compliance and Ethics Field is now available through the SCCE store.
You can now order your own copy for $295.00 ($245.00 for SCCE members) and see for yourself how you can begin, or improve, your career in the compliance and ethics field!
Click here to order!
You can also find the link in the right-hand sidebar.
Here is the description SCCE has for the book:
Joseph E. Murphy, one of the leading experts in compliance, has collaborated with Joshua Leet to write a remarkable book about the compliance and ethics field. If you want a career in this field, you must read Working for Integrity. If you already work in compliance and ethics, you will want to avail yourself of the advice and insight Mr. Murphy offers in this book. If you hire compliance professionals, you will want to refer to this resource to make wise choices. This book contains valuable information such as: Interviews with more than 20 professionals in compliance and ethics Ways to promote compliance to management Résumé builders Protections for compliance professionals Finding the right employees for compliance jobs A glossary of compliance and ethics terms, and a suggested reading list Working for Integrity is a marvelous resource for EVERYONE involved with the compliance field!
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
11:52 AM
Labels: Links: WFI, News: WFI
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Back from Vegas
Hello, it’s Joshua Leet, and yes, we have been back from our trip to Vegas and the HCCA Compliance Institute for quite a while. In the month since the conference, we have been busy with various work projects (such as preparing a smaller version of the book for the more casual reader), so this is the first chance I have had to update this blog.
We promise much more regular updates in the future.
What happened in Vegas
Joe and I had a great time in Las Vegas at Caesars Palace. Most of each day was spent in the exhibition hall (where the table with our book was set up), listening to speakers, or just networking with our peers.
The nights afforded the opportunity to walk the strip, see shows or just enjoy the offerings of Caesars. Joe and I each did some gambling, of course, and Joe predictably ended up better off than I did myself. We also had the opportunity one night to attend the Second Annual International Compliance Awards Banquet. Book interviewee Paul Fiorelli gave the keynote address. Joe was honored himself the previous year as one of the first award recipients.
I am including a few photos from our time in Vegas, though the quality is regrettably not great. The digital camera stopped working, so I had to rely on a disposable.
This first picture is of me at the book table.
The board on the right side of the picture has the book title above the cover, and the text below the cover reads as follows:
Joseph E. Murphy, one of the leading experts in compliance, has collaborated with Joshua Leet to write this book about the compliance and ethics profession. Working for Integrity contains valuable information such as:
- Interviews with more than 20 professionals in compliance and ethics
- Promoting compliance to management
- Protections for compliance professionals
- Finding the right employees for compliance jobs
A marvelous resource for EVERYONE in the compliance field
Another picture at the table, this time with Joe, as well.
Below are two more casual pictures of me, the first in the Caesars lobby, and the other in front of Treasure Island.
I will be posting a link to the SCCE store very soon, where you will be able to purchase the book.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
8:34 AM
Labels: Conferences
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
First Look: Working for Integrity's cover
SCCE recently sent us this sneak peek of the book's cover.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
5:49 PM
Labels: First Look
Monday, April 10, 2006
Working for Integrity in Las Vegas
Next weekend, Joe Murphy and Josh Leet will be flying to Las Vegas for the Health Care Compliance Association's (HCCA) 10th Anniversary Compliance Institute where SCCE will for the first time present Working for Integrity: Finding the Perfect Job in the Rapidly Growing Compliance and Ethics Field.
The conference is at Caesars Palace from April 23rd through 26th, and when we are not networking with other compliance and ethics professionals, you will find the authors at the Working for Integrity table, willing to sign your copy and talk about the passion that created the book.
There wil be a limited number of copies available for purchase, but SCCE will be taking orders for later printings.
So if you are attending the Institute, or will be in the Las Vegas area, come on by...after stopping at a slot machine or two, of course.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
3:05 PM
Labels: Conferences
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Compliance & Ethics As A Career?
Some FAQ’s about an exciting career opportunity.
Most people don’t have any idea that compliance and ethics is a possible career. Even many of those who do this work do not know the full scope of this field. Yet for those who enter now the opportunities are truly exciting.
What is “compliance and ethics”?This is a new and rapidly developing field for those who work with organizations to prevent them from causing harm. Compliance and ethics people devote their careers to preventing companies and other organizations (e.g., partnerships, non-profits, unions, governments, etc.) from breaking the law and acting unethically. They do this working inside companies to prevent violations and to fix ethical problems when they occur.
Who is in this field? It includes anyone in an organization who does this work, and those outside who provide services to them. It is not the regulators and prosecutors. Instead, it is company employees and their outside advisors who take action before a company breaks the law and before the public is harmed.
Are there many types of jobs in compliance and ethics? The answer is an emphatic “yes,” although many people in the field do not realize this. Our research has uncovered more than 700 job titles in compliance and ethics. These range from high-level compliance officers to entry-level compliance analysts. They include people in privacy compliance, environmental work, internal investigators, compliance trainers, compliance auditors, corporate ombuds, compliance lawyers, workplace safety specialists, etc.
What types of things do compliance and ethics people do? The range of activities is amazingly varied. Compliance people conduct investigations. They train their fellow employees. They create imaginative communications tools to spread the message. They work with lawyers, HR specialists, auditors and executives. They travel around to all parts of the business. They help employees who need advice on difficult ethical dilemmas and help introduce new employees to their company’s code of ethics.
Do you have to be a lawyer to do this? People in compliance come from all walks of life. One compliance organization reports that only 25% of its members have law degrees. Certainly knowledge of law is helpful, but a good compliance manager can do a very effective job and rely on the company’s lawyers for the legal side. The most important skills in compliance are management and people skills; it is not necessary to be a lawyer.
Can I get from my current job into this, or do I need a special degree? You can go directly into this field without a special degree. You can learn on the job, and there are educational programs available that will give you the basics but not interfere with your current work schedule. If you are already in a compliance job, learning about the rest of the field can open up an enormous range of new options.
What if I am still in college? There was a time when there were only a few compliance officers and almost no entry-level opportunity. But like so much of this field, that has changed. There are things you can do while still in school to prepare you to enter this field.
What kinds of companies have compliance or ethics officers? Is this just for highly-regulated industries? Every kind of company has and needs compliance and ethics officers. While some areas and industries are legally required to have compliance people, every industry needs them, because every business faces an increasing array of legal and ethical risks.
Is this a big field, or just a job for a single compliance officer in each company? The compliance officer is just the start. While there have been no global studies, we estimate that there are no less than 150,000-200,000 full and part-time jobs in this field. One consumer goods company alone, for example, estimates it has between 500 to 1000 compliance and ethics jobs.
Why would companies do this? There may have been a time when companies only did this when there was an especially enlightened CEO, but not any longer. Compliance and ethics programs and the people who run them are unquestionably a business necessity. The legal risks faced by companies are just too dangerous to ignore, and the environment gets tougher with each passing year. The government expects companies to have compliance programs; an effective program can help a company escape indictment and deal effectively with increasingly aggressive prosecutors and regulators. These programs can also help prevent astronomical punitive damages. In some industries, the big companies are requiring their suppliers to have programs. And in an increasing number of instances, compliance programs are required by law and the stock exchanges. Today they are an essential part of doing business.
Is this something that only exists in the US? No, companies all over the world have compliance people. In some areas outside of the US it is even a requirement. For example, companies in Germany and Canada are required to have privacy compliance officers. Stock exchanges in India and South Africa require listed companies to have compliance officers.
Is this just a trend that comes from Sarbanes-Oxley? Compliance people and compliance programs were widespread well before Sarbanes Oxley. In fact, Sarbanes Oxley just piggy-backed on existing standards in the compliance field.
Would this be like doing social work – personally fulfilling if you don’t have to support a family? Compliance work is certainly personally fulfilling, but there is no financial sacrifice involved. Potential employers include the largest, most successful companies in the world. These corporate salaries and benefits packages are on the same scale as other top corporate jobs. Compliance and ethics is one field where you can do good and do well at the same time.
How can I find out more about this field? Until now it was very difficult to find out about this field, but that has changed. The Society for Corporate Compliance and Ethics now brings you the perfect guide to getting into this exciting field. You can get all your questions answered in our new book, Murphy & Leet, “WORKING FOR INTEGRITY: FINDING THE PERFECT JOB IN THE RAPIDLY GROWING COMPLIANCE AND ETHICS FIELD,” published by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics,, 888-277-4977.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
4:14 PM
Welcome to the Working for Integrity Blog!
Our new book, Working for Integrity: Finding the Perfect Job in the Rapidly Growing Compliance and Ethics Field, has been a project Joe Murphy has long wanted to complete. In 2004, he approached Joshua Leet about helping with the book, and eighteen months later, a full draft was on its way to the editor at the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE).
The book is a guide to those looking to begin or grow a career in the compliance and business ethics field. This is a world of many exciting facets: senior ethics officers at the world’s top companies, field environmental experts preventing harm to the environment from company plants, internal investigators trying to unlock complex fraud, anti-discrimination experts working to prevent harassment—hundreds of functions, thousands of employees working to prevent the next Enron. In the book, we survey the various types of jobs available, the ins and outs of the field, the places interested individuals can find information or training, as well as the likely value of those resources. We discuss the staying power of the field, and explain why the the field will continue to grow. We offer advice on how to get management to support a compliance and ethics program, and tell you where to find the resources you would need to do the job. Of special importance for those seeking real world insights, the book also boasts a large collection of interviews with established compliance and ethics professionals. These interviews range from chief compliance officers at multinational giants, to people who have only recently entered the workforce.
Our goal is to open the door for more people to enter and succeed in this field that has been hidden from public view for years.
We created this blog so we would have a place to post news about the book and all things related to working in this field. When you come here, you can expect to see announcements of release dates, reviews, links to related articles, useful excerpts from the book, and first-time online offerings that cannot be found anywhere else.
While our work draws on the experiences of people working in all parts of the compliance and ethics field, we hope you will take advantage of this blog to post your own questions, comments and suggestions. We are always looking to explore employment opportunities in the field, and are particularly interested in adding to our bank of useful materials. We welcome your contributions, such as your own job title (to add to our list that now totals over 800 separate job titles in this field) and job descriptions.
Posted by
J.E. Murphy & J.H. Leet
3:51 PM