Tuesday, August 22, 2006

SCCE News - 5th Annual Compliance Institute and More

SCCE’s 5th Annual Compliance Institute is just around the corner, taking place next month in Chicago, September 11-13th.

For more information, visit SCCE’s web site, contact the organization by email or telephone (888) 277-4977.

Early Bird Discount
(From an August 21st email)

Only 5 days left to receive the Early Bird $100 discount on your registration fee.
Early Bird deadline end on August 25th

Top 10 Reasons to Attend:
SCCE’s 5th Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute
10. Celebrate the 5th Anniversary of SCCE
9. Connect with old friends and meet new ones!
8. Identify new action plans to make ethical informed decisions for your organization
7. Develop an action plan for implementing compliance & ethics program that reflect current trends
6. Communicate with your colleagues on current hot topics…"Backdating"
5. Enhance strategic thinking on how to develop compliance & ethics programs
4. Network with other compliance & ethics professionals, including corporate executives, legal counsel, and regulators
3. Benefit from more than 47 interactive sessions and 71 featured speakers
2. Support SCCE. You are the reason that SCCE has become what it is over the past five years.
1. Discover what a difference three days can make…

For the latest updates on the SCCE’s 5th Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute, check out the conference site Conference in Chicago September 11-13, 2006. If you have any questions regarding registration, location, etc. please contact SCCE Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics at 888.277.4977.

SCCE Authors
(From an August 18th email)

Calling All Authors!
Attend the Compliance & Ethics Authors’ Reception at SCCE's 5th Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute
In appreciation of its authors, SCCE will hold a reception on Monday, September 11, 5:30–6:30 pm. Others who are interested in contributing to SCCE's Compliance & Ethics journal are welcome to attend.

The reception is complimentary, but authors are encouraged to register by e-mail to marlene.robinson@corporatecompliance.org. We want to recognize and thank you for your past and future contributions to SCCE!

Speaker Introductions
(From an August 16th email)
Speaker Introductions Needed
at SCCE's Compliance & Ethics Institute

The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics will be holding its 5th Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute on September 11-13, 2006, in Chicago, IL.

We are looking for attendees interested in introducing our breakout speakers. If you would like to be considered, please submit your contact information to Marlene Robinson at marlene.robinson@corporatecompliance.org or 952-933-4977.

Call for Authors
(From a June 5th email)

The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) is seeking authors for upcoming issues of Compliance & Ethics. We welcome all who wish to propose corporate compliance-related topics and write articles.

Topics to consider:
• Acquisitions, Mergers, RFP, Insurance, incorporating compliance review in processes
• Compliance Training – Senior Management verses non-management
• Security
• Investigations – Attorney Privileges
• Evaluation of software and technology relevant to compliance
• Professional liability, audit, accounting
• Education/Communication/Marketing
• Enterprise risk management- risk based assessments
• Articles addressing "hot" compliance issues in your profession

Articles when the topic allows, should include "how to" tips. Articles generally run between l,250 and 2,500 words. Anyone interested in submitting an article for publication in Compliance & Ethics should send an e-mail that includes the article topic to marlene.robinson@corporatecompliance.org.

Upcoming Deadlines
August 20 — October 2006 Issue
October 20 — December 2006 Issue

Thank you for your time and attention. We look forward to hearing from you and reading your articles.

SCCE News of Use

From time to time on this blog, we will post news from SCCE about various conferences, web offerings, and publications. Most news will come directly from the basic emails SCCE sends to people on their mailing list. The inclusion of the news on this blog is not done at the behest of SCCE (our publisher), but rather by our own initiative. We recognize the benefits you can derive from these offerings, and on a more selfish note, information on ordering our book can usually be found at these conferences. You will also often find Joe speaking at SCCE events (just as at events for other ethics and compliance organizations), where he will be glad to discuss the topic of working in the field and how to take a more proactive approach to your own compliance career.

News will be clearly marked and quoted lines will be distinctive.

Recently we added this banner to promote SCCE's 2006 Compliance Institute.

The banner will remain at the top of this blog until the conference has wrapped next month, at which time a regular banner link to SCCE will likely replace it.

Other recent SCCE news will follow shortly.